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Bridgeland Business Improvement Area (BIA)

Bridgeland is a shopping district located in Calgary, Alberta, just north of the downtown core. Our centrally located streets are ultra pedestrian-friendly. Walk across the Reconciliation Bridge from downtown, ride along the bike path, or use our Bridgeland / Memorial LRT station and several bus stops to access our 150+ businesses. The Bridgeland Business Improvement Area (BIA) is responsible for the beautification, event planning, and marketing of the shopping district and is financed through a portion of business taxes from our member businesses. The BIA role, as defined by the City of Calgary, is to enhance the economic development of an area through promotion and marketing, improve the physical environment of public spaces in commercial areas, and develop, improve, and maintain public parking. Work collaboratively with The City in the delivery of municipal services in their zones, and advocate for policies and practices that support economic vitality in their zones. Learn more about BIAs through the Business Improvement Toolkit.

Nicole Wolf Artist

A Portrait of Bridgeland

These murals imagine what the land would remember happening in this intersection of 4th avenue, Edmonton Trail, Reconciliation Bridge and Memorial Drive.

These memories are drawn as bright warm shapes that hover over the prairie. All the imagery used was drawn from over 200 hours of research and interviews with residents, knowledge keepers, Indigenous elders, archeologists, geologists, historians, local business owners, and randomly encountered unhoused occupants.

As viewers look at this artwork, I hope to provoke the question, what memories will we give this piece of land in the years to come?


Shout It From the Rooftops!

Share updates and info about upcoming events and promotions so we can tell the whole wide world!

Do you have an upcoming event? Exciting update? Super fun promotion? Tell us all about it so that we can share it with our friends, followers, and neighbors! Bridgelandians love dining, adventures, and (most of all) supporting locals, so hit the link below and share the details with us!

Bridgeland BIA

202 8a Street NE
Calgary, AB T2E 4J1