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Your Bridgeland Guide to Gettin’ Back on the Horse This Stampede!

The Calgary Stampede is back, baby! We’ve put together a big ol’ list of must-visit spots, tasty treats, delicious eats, and pancake breakfasts to help you celebrate Stampede in style! Giddy up!

‍Stampede Style


Dress the part with a little help from our neighbours at Boomerang Boutique, the locally-owned consignment shop is right above Blue Star Diner. The light, bright space is packed with fantastic, one-of-a-kind-finds, high-quality consigned pieces, and those sought after vintage pieces that you’re always searching for. Let’s be honest, nobody wants to be the person to break in a brand new pair of cowboy boots.

Boomerang Boutique offers rentals for those special occasions, and they focus on sustainable, environmentally business practices – feel good and look great! Yeehaw!

Visit their Instagram @boomerangboutiqueyyc for info about upcoming sales, promotions, and their latest awesome finds!

Boomerang Boutique address: 811 1 Ave NE


Get your furry friends Stampede-ready at Doodle Dogs Boutique and Doggywood Limited – both located right along 1st Avenue NE. Doodle Dogs Boutique specializes in locally-made dog gear, the highest quality raw and dry foods, exclusive brands, fun toys, and their must-follow social media pages are loaded with great tips, friendly advice, and genuine hilarity.

Doggywood Limited pet boutique is dedicated to supplies and accessories for pets and their owners. They also offer fun costumes, gourmet treats, and even custom cakes for your pets’ special parties.

Visit @doodledogsyyc on Instagram for info about upcoming sales, promotions, great tips, friendly advice, and a good laugh!

Doodle Dogs Boutique address: 841 1 Ave NE

Visit Doggywood Limited in-store at 616 1st Ave or online at

Pancake Parties

bridgeland market

Bridgeland Market Pancake Breakfast

Pancake breakfasts are an absolute essential during the Calgary Stampede! There are a few businesses firing up the griddle to dish out delicious breakfasts. Grab your calendar, throw on your boots, and head down to these local breakfasts for a rootin’ tootin’ delicious time!

Saturday, July 9 at 9:00 am – Bridgeland Market

The Bridgeland Market Annual Stampede Breakfast is a community-wide celebration with delicious food, live entertainment. The family-friendly, free event takes over the corner and this year is no exception. The cross-street neighbours at Lil Empire Burger and Made by Marcus are joining in the fun to serve up Stampede sliders and cold treats.

Follow @bridgelandmarket for fresh updates about produce and great products!

Address: 1104 1 Ave NE

Sunday, July 10 from 10:30 am – 2:00 pm -Bridgeland Riverside Community Association – Eritrean Stampede Breakfast

Located right on beautiful Murdoch Park, the BRCA building is the perfect location for a family outing! On Sunday, July 10, the YYC Eritreans are hosting a free breakfast featuring a variety of Eritrean breakfast food paired alongside some of your favourite western classics.

Address: 917 Centre Avenue NE

invitation card

Wednesday, July 13 from 8:00 am – 11:00 am – Elegance Medispa

The talented team at Elegance Medispa is hosting the First Annual Bridgeland Community Small Business Breakfast with great partners from throughout the neighbourhood! With everything from great plates to live entertainment, a petting zoo, and great prizes, this is definitely the most important meal of the day!

Great community partners include the Bridgeland Vet ClinicBike and BrewBridgeland Dental ClinicDoodle Dogs BoutiqueFour20HammerHeadz SalonLeela Eco SpaCOEO Healing Collective, and the Bridgeland Business Improvement Area (BIA).

The family-friendly event is entry with a minimum $2 donation, which will go towards the Ronald McDonald House, helping families with sick children stay close to the hospital during treatment. The skilled professionals at Elegance Medispa provide medical aesthetic services in their beautiful office. Follow them on Instagram @elegancemedispacalgary for regular updates about new products, services, and upcoming promotions.

Address: 124 8 St NE

Barbecue in Bridgeland


Lookin’ for a comfy spot to sidle up next to some BBQ, beer, and bourbon? Hang your hat on the Cannibale patio. Their menu features backyard classics and perfectly prepared meats that are seriously smokin’.

Be sure to head in for happy hour, daily between 3 pm – 5 pm, and grab a great local beer, cocktail, hi-ball or glass of wine.

Follow @cannibale_yyc for information about delicious food features, new cocktails, and the bartenders choice!

Address: 813 1 Ave NE

The Boom in Bridgeland

Looking for a local lookout to check out the nightly fireworks? Head to the Bridgeland Riverside Community Association – located right along beautiful Murdoch Park, it’s the perfect spot to bring a picnic, hunker down, and watch as the fireworks light up the night sky!

Address: 917 Centre Avenue NE

Follow @inbridgeland on Instagram and Twitter for community updates and information about fun events, delicious food, and all of the fun that happens on this side of the river! Yahoo! Enjoy your Stampede, neighbours!