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For General Inquiries About the BIA and for Help Navigating City Rules and Regulations

Bridgeland BIA Executive Director: Jacqui Sanderson

Join the Bridgeland Crime Watch Conversation on Signal

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2. Bridgeland Crime Watch Signal Invite

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Bridgeland BIA Community Resource Officer
Cst. David Harms

Who to Call When

A crime or incident has taken place, but the suspect is no longer on scene, and there are no threats to anyone's safety.Call 403-266-1234 for 24-hour Non-Emergency Police Support.
Someone is creating a disturbance, harassing someone, or being a nuisance.Call 403-266-1234 for 24-hour Non-Emergency Police Support.
Graffiti (non-hateful), panhandling near a bank or ATM, garbage or debris on the street or sidewalk, and damaged trees.Call 311 for 24-hour support, or report it on the 311 App.
Graffiti which is hateful or discriminatory.Call the Police at 403-266-1234 (24-hour non-emergency support).
A person is intoxicated, loitering, trespassing, but not being aggressive.Call the Police at 403-266-1234 (24-hour non-emergency support).
Someone is sleeping rough or has formed an encampment.Call Alpha House Encampment Team at 403-805-7388 or report to BYLAW at 311.
Drug paraphernalia, including needles, on private or public property.Call Alpha House Needle Response team at 403-796-5334 or BYLAW at 311.
