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Bridgeland BIA

The Bridgeland BIA was formed on January 1, 2000, under the Municipal Government Act and the Business Improvement Area Regulation. The founding Board then set out to develop a Mission Statement and Core Values to guide the BIA’s activities.

Bridgeland sign

Mission Statement

To promote the diversity and evolution of the Bridgeland Business community through advocacy and community stewardship. Make Bridgeland a destination of choice and an economic center that supports the entire community.

  • Goals: Market, Support, Communicate, Lobby.

What Is Within Our Mandate?

We help maintain the public realm through clean and safe work, we do events/activations to encourage people to come to Bridgeland, we promote Bridgeland on traditional and social media, and we support our member businesses.

Village Ice Cream

What Do Your Levy Dollars Pay for Annually?

  • An executive director who has been with us for 3 years.
  • Additional contract staff including social media, a bookkeeper, and an auditor.
  • Organizing activations like fire pits, and weekend music.
  • Beautification through murals, art projects, benches, Christmas trees and lights in the Plaza.
  • Pageantry banners on our streetlight poles.

Board Members

Chris Hankins

Bridgeland Sport and Spine – Chair

Femeena Virani

Elegance Medispa – Secretary

Weston Covert

Bike and Brew – Director at Large

Shayne Perrin

Blue Star Dinner & Cannibal – Director at Large

Maurizio Abdi

La Brezza Ristorante – Director at Large

Amy Skinner

Amy Skinner Professional – Director at Large
