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Past Activities

  • Mural – Memory of This Land: A Portrait of Bridgeland
  • Brand Development Including Bridgeland Swag
  • Successful Busking Program
  • Arctic Blast
  • Stampede Breakfasts

Additional Long-Term Annual Funding and Support Our ED Has Negotiated for Bridgeland:

  • 2024, Main Street Business Support Grant – $5,000 for each eligible business
  • 2023, City of Calgary Capital Priorities & Investment Financial Support during construction – $20,000
  • 2023, Main Street Business Support Grant – $5,000
  • 2022, Bridgeland Stampede Breakfast – $5,000
  • 2022, Music in the Park – $5,000
  • 2022, Music in the Plaza – $5,000
  • $3000 is provided to the BRCA each year to fund projects for the community
  • $1000 each year to support the Bridgeland Elves
